

The Witch Doctor - Original Painting Release

“The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; 
he is a sick man who has healed himself.” 
- Terrence McKenna

"The Witch Doctor"
2015 - 2016
Acrylic, Spray Paint, House Paint on Canvas
40" x 30"

Many shapes and forms of this art available soon.

This painting began January of 2015, in my home studio. The idea was to create a large sized painting with as much detail as possible. I started by creating layers of the background using spray paint and house paint. A large stencil was hand drawn and cut to fill the void with patterns. Next, I rendered the shape in pencil and slowly filled in layers and layers of acrylic. Half of this piece was sketched out beforehand, but many elements and colors were added or changed as the piece progressed.

The Witch Doctor has traveled and been painted on at many gatherings and locations, it has absorbed inspiration from many perspectives, and been observed by many eyeballs during its evolution. Although a majority of the work was completed in the studio, overall around 200+ hours of painting took place from start to finish. Needless to say it is the most time I have spent on one piece of art in my life.

The concept behind the Witch Doctor, is the depiction of a tribal medicine man, one of universal nature, belonging to no singular origin or creed. He is the archetype of a psychedelic warrior, voyaging and exploring vast dimensions to uncover hidden knowledge. His connection with plants, herbs and fungi opens new doors of healing and awakening. He ceremoniously offers the viewer a cup of his mysterious concoction, as it pulses with the dualistic energy of swirling galaxy waterfalls of abundance. The smoke that arises from the sacraments slowly morphs into colored snakes, two halves of the caduceus, whose venom drips toward the Doctor. His third eye is a blooming explosion, birthing a universe of alchemical infinity, unlocking ancient secrets. Vibrations flow through his ears as he tunes to a higher frequency. The spores and seeds drip from his hands into an endless ocean of stars. All is one.